Thread: Liver Failing
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Old 05-28-2014, 08:08 AM   #12
♥ Love My Tibbe! ♥
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Originally Posted by nicky wells View Post
Thanks for the helpful advice. Molly has been back at the vets again for a 'flush out' and she is much better. My vet has said with the best will in the world no matter how careful I am with her food there will always be a gradual build up of toxins that will require a short stay at vets hospital to flush them out. At least now I know the signs and get her to the vets quickly. Thanks again and I hope your little one is okay at the moment.
Thank you so much - Tibbe is doing pretty well right now and your little one might be able to do well too if you get a diagnosis - know what is going on with her and get her on friendlier diet consisting of the type of protein a compromised liver can handle. My dog cannot handle any meat or even veggies without getting sick for 3 - 4 days with lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, eventually pus in his stool/diarrhea. I pray you find out what makes her sick and can avoid it. Best wishes to your little Molly.
Jeanie and Tibbe
One must do the best one can. You may get some marks for a very imperfect answer: you will certainly get none for leaving the question alone. C. S. Lewis
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