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Old 04-16-2014, 07:05 PM   #12
YT 500 Club Member
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Originally Posted by Kiki Mama View Post
We took Kiki to get her yearly shots & she was due for her heart worm test. So they pulled blood and gave a shot in each hip. She tested negative for heart worms so it seemed to be a routine visit. We had to take her home so we could complete our to do list. I know it is normal to feel bad after the shots. Which she does but when we got back home she was shaking something terrible. I called the vet and they recommended a baby aspirin that she probably had a low grade fever. I got her to eat a little chicken and bite of cheese before I gave it to her. ( hoping it wouldn't upset her sensitive stomach) That helped that problem but she seems so sore. I tried to pick her up to put her back on the couch and she yelped out like I was killing her. I didn't touch any of her boo boos that I know of. She is just laying alone. I hate my baby being sickly.
Why are you getting her yearly vaccines? The DHLP only needs to be given as puppies then maybe if you are unsure get a titer. But, realistically they only need to be given every seven years if that much. Your baby is much to small to take all that poison into her system.
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