Update: So she is definitely getting better, not worse. About 30 minutes ago she ran from one room to the other but then just sat, tried to get up, walked a step, and and sat back down, and did that a few more times then laid down. But as I write this she just got a burst of energy and leapt up on the couch and started rolling over for a belly rub. This is so weird to me! Could these have been symptoms of hypoglycemia at 9 months? She is 8lbs and picky but usually gets at least a half a cup of food in her. Like I said don't think it was a seizure or anything either but don't know what would have caused such severe symptoms so suddenly. She is still biting at herself more than usual - especially her back feet but I can't see anything there and she doesn't mind me poking and prodding around. Will see how she's doing tomorrow and go to the vet if she isn't 100%. Thanks for the help. |