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Old 01-29-2014, 01:30 PM   #1
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Default Baby back from the vets, think I'm worrying too much!

Hello everyone!

Well after a horrible night of having to take my baby to the vets after she got a small cut on her ear and having to stay overnight, the torture is over and she's back home safe and sound

I'm not sure if I'm just being too paranoid here but I've noticed a few changes since she's gotten back. The second she got home she was exactly like her normal self, running around everywhere and trying to get cuddles off everyone, but as the day has gone on I've noticed that she's doing a lot more tail biting than she did before. She also chews on her feet more frequently and her poop is a darker colour than before, as well as being more solid. Can anyone shed some light on this or just tell me that I'm being a massive worrier
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