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Old 01-18-2014, 05:00 AM   #3
♥ Love My Tibbe! ♥
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If she had permanent teeth pulled only a day or two ago and cleaning under the edge of her gums, she may still be in pain and you wouldn't want her to suffer as she can't talk and tell you if she's hurting still so I would likely give the medication as long as the vet said to and just watch each of her BM's for the next couple of days, immediately removing it and her from the area until she's off her medication. You don't have that much longer to go to watch her and clean it up immediately and she probably doesn't have but two a days left to act strangely. Some people don't seem to think dogs hurt but they do, they just rarely show it except for acute or unexpected pain.

All dogs usually go through some stage in their lives of eating poo and it's quite common for them to do it for a while but once they discover how disgusted your reaction to them is, they begin to associate the two things and usually learn to avoid it. Smart dogs begin to realize that you are going to be there going "Ugh and Ewwww" all over them as soon as you discover they have eaten poo, making awful faces, taking them immediately for a bath, brushing their teeth, not letting them kiss you or cuddle for the rest of the day, etc.; and will just begin to stop themselves when they start to approach it. But you can be right there to stop her for the next couple of days and once she's off her medication and the anesthesia and stress of the procedure are more out of her system, she may come around and leave it alone all on her own.
Jeanie and Tibbe
One must do the best one can. You may get some marks for a very imperfect answer: you will certainly get none for leaving the question alone. C. S. Lewis
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