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Old 12-13-2013, 07:00 PM   #8
Yorkie mom of 4
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Originally Posted by Rainbows View Post
As a mother that breast fed my human baby...lemme just say that squeezing the nipples is NOT an indicator of milk quantity. The way a baby suckles is different than squeezing, you can't express milk that way... If you are too invasive during their birthing and are grabbing at, assisting and over handling the puppies they wont bother much with them you have to let them be and it irks me when people intervene where it's not nessesary. Cat's are the same way, I had to nurse 4 kittens with kitten formula around the clock when I was younger in college, because my roommate just couldn't keep hands off those kittens so the mother lost the bond and interest in nursing them.

You need to leave the mother and her puppies ALONE. Let her birth, let her nurse, do not touch them, clean them, bother her or the puppies or she will not bond and learn by using her natural instincts. Yes you need to let the puppies crawl to her and nurse, don't touch them. She probably wasn't scared by them, probably scared by the whole ordeal and not being allowed to do it naturally in a quiet comfortable place.

I agree with lovetodream88, you shouldn't have bred this poor girl if you really think she has motherhood problems because it's not healthy for the mother or the babies.
Most small breed dogs require help when birthing and a lot of breeders touch and mess with the puppies a lot. Not knowing what your doing and not helping the mom when she is whelping could end up very bad.
My babies Joey, Penny ,Ollie & Dixie
Callie Mae, you will forever be in my heart!
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