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Old 11-29-2013, 10:14 PM   #1
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Default Please Help-liver shunt baby needs help with diet!!!

Brandi was diagnosed with liver shunts about a year ago. She is doing fine but recently she has begin to hate her diet. She was placed on presciption hill diet l/d which she ate for almost a year but begrudginly. Now she abosuletuly hates it. I switched her to royal canin hepatic but that didnt agree with her tummy. She hated that too.
She has no problem eating anything else. she will eat almost everything else except what is good for her

She is beginning to lost weight not because she is sick but because she hates prescrption hill l/d. Is there anything else besides l/d and royal canin that she can eat? She went from 4lbs to 3lbs in less than a month Please help!!!! She needs something with low protein. I have asked several vets but they all seem to prescribe the same type of diet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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