Welcome to YT :-) would love to see pics of your new cutie. I myself use an xpen, which works great because there is plenty of room for her bed area, food and water area, and a potty pad holder. This is how I got Gizmo used to potty pads. He's doing amazing now with them at 4 months. I have one out of his pen as well now, and because he learned how to use it in his xpen, he now goes directly to it go potty when he's running around the house. He hasn't had any accidents in probably about a month. The xpen I have it the medium richell rectangular, which is the biggest one they make. Hope this helps :-) also you might want to try a pheromone spray like the little rascal spray to spray on the pad, that unlike the natures miracle one, which smells horrible, the little rascal spray I can't even smell but he sure can. First time I sprayed it on the pad, he immediately went on there and went potty :-) |