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Old 10-03-2013, 02:35 PM   #8
Don't Litter Spay&Neuter
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Originally Posted by MandiesMom View Post
Jenny, this is funny because I was just losing my marbles last night about this issue. I don't know if it is the scrunchies, Mandie, or the way I do her hair, but it is so funny. I don't think I do anything different. To me, I do the same thing everytime. However, sometimes it will stay in for up to 3 days if I let it. Other times, I put it in and look at her in 2 hours and her hair is in her face. I blame it on her playing with her brother, but last night, she laid right beside me on the couch right after I did it. When we both got up an hour later, I walked by her and her hair was in her face. LOL! No idea how that happened.

Like I said, sometimes, it stays in forever. Can't figure it out. Just like, sometimes it points straigt out like a horn and other times it falls to one side. It's the top knot mystery lol
Heehee, I notice that right after their bath when their hair is nice & soft, impossible for the mini scrunchie to stay on...but when they're dirty & greasy (loll) it stays on pretty well.
Jenny Mimi Momo Princess Turbo
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