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Old 09-08-2013, 08:16 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by abbey46923 View Post
A little confused say you give Triflexis every 3 months when you see fleas. If you mean Trifexis this is for HW prevention and also to help with fleas which should be given every month, not every 3 months just for flea protection. I tried looking up the other "Triflexis" just in case there was something different but came up with nothing.
I feel your pain on finding a good food, so many choice's out there, drives you insane trying to find the perfect one for our guys. Good luck.
Well that's lovely. My vet presented it as a flea preventative. I even told them I only give it when I see fleas again. He said it protected against heart worm also, but recommended it when I went in there for the flea medicine I use to use. (forgot what its called. it was drops like advantage or frontline) So would it be a bad thing to give less than every month. I don't like giving him any flea medication period because what ever is killing the fleas I don't want to give him unless necessary. I tried using apple cider vinegar instead, but the smell was intense, plus I found fleas not long after. I try to vacuum as much as possible and it seems the fleas come back like clock work. Every three months, sometimes four.
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