As most of you know, I will not be seeing my vet until Monday the 16th, because he is away on Vacation and doesnt get back until the day before that.I also havent seen my mentor in a couple of weeks, and although I have seen and been in contact with pregnant yorkies (thanks to my mentor) for some reason, I still feel like I have no idea what to think when it comes to
my own yorkie.
I will exaplain the dates and symptoms.Bella came into heat in July and we were told (after my vet took swabs) to get her together with the stud on the 27th.We were told to let them tie every day until Bella no longer accepted him - this is common practice here (Spain).
They tied every day from the 27th of July until the 1st of August, which is when my vet confirmed that she was no longer fertile.
Since then, we have all noticed changes.Bella is now happier laying on the floor than she is on the couch or bed, and she has a clear discharge that dries and crusts around her vulva (which I wipe away with warm water and cotton wool).She is slower and her personality has changed too, she walks around with her tail between her legs instead of holding it up etc.
She is now all over my husband and doesnt want anything to do with me, and she completely avoids my kids too (which I would understand if she is indeed pregnant).When she lays down, she no longer lays in a fetal position, she lays stretched right out or face down with her belly facing downwards.
I notice how much heavier she is, and sheīs "thicker", but I still canīt look at her at this point and just say "yup, sheīs deffinately pregnant"..which is anoying to me, because I would like to know whatīs going on one way or the other so that I can act acordingly.Example: Bella
HATES being bathed, brushed and walked and bothered, it stresses her out, and I donīt want to be exposing her to
anything stressful if she is expecting.
I know itīs just another week until I see the vet, but not knowing makes me feel so out of control and I am
very OCD about that.
I have taken a few pictures, could you please take a look at tell me what you think? Thankyou so much