Thread: Drooling
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Old 02-11-2006, 02:58 PM   #1
Donating Yorkie Yakker
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Posts: 248
Default Drooling

I've noticed a couple threads on this, but wanted to post again because this is new to me and I need some advice/opinions. When we first got Bella, she was in the car quite a bit. It was over an hour drive to get her to the vet, and then another half n hour from there to get her home. Actually, more like 20 some minutes. The breeder gave her something I guess to calm her tummy before she left, so that would explain why she didn't have an occurance there...but now whenever we take her somewhere she drools uncontrollably! Whether we hold her or she's in her carrier, her face is soaked by the time we get where we're going. She hasn't thrown up *knock on wood*, it's just ALOT of drool. Is this something she'll grow out of? We never had this problem with Kel, so I'm concerned, but then again Kel was nowhere near puppy age when we got her. Bella's going to be 3 months old on Tuesday. I'm thinking it's just her being nervous and not used to car rides least that's what i'm HOPING for. Should I ask the vet any questions next weekend? Her appointment's on the 18th. I really wanna make sure this is something that isn't going to spiral and cause her to get really ill every time we have to take her somewhere. Today it was just a 10 or so minute car ride, possibly 15 minutes...the vet is a 20 something minute car ride. Any input?
Carrie & Isabella
Kelli - 1995-2005 - Always in Our Hearts, Babygirl.
Bella's Dogster Kelli's Dogster
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