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Old 02-11-2006, 09:30 AM   #8
SoCalyorkiLvr's Avatar
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I am on Terri's email list so i get updates when she has puppies available, etc.

The way I got on the list is that I called about a teeny tiny little girl they had when I was looking for my Ava. She sounded like what i was interested in but they said that they had changed their minds about selling her because she was so tiny and so perfect that hey were going to keep her as their "mascot".

I do visit the website occasionally when she sends me an email...they have cricket noises in the background...kinda cute....HeeHee...but I have not spoken to them since and I have never visited the kennel.

I am so glad your little one turned out so well and I agree.....she is worth every penny you paid on her. Heck, I spent $1200 recently just to have the best vet pull Buddha's retained baby teeth!! His neuter was $500!
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