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Old 07-02-2013, 07:47 AM   #1
and molliluv too!
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Default What do you feed a yorkie who won't eat?

I am fostering a dog from the shelter who came in skinny and continues to loose weight. They examined him but didn't find anything outwardly wrong with him. He would eat with me if I took him out for a walk and then sat with him and put the food in my hand and then on the floor. I got him some canned wellness turkey and some chicken, he ate a few bites. Last night I got him to eat some dry food but he just isn't doing well. I also have to show him his water, put some in his mouth on my fingers then put the bowl up to him to get him to drink. I really don't want him to have to go on i.v. fluids
I was going to go to the store and maybe try getting chicken broth and maybe some plain chicken to see if he will eat that- any other suggestions?
Poor little guy is just a skeleton wasting away
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