Thread: Pet ER
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Old 06-24-2013, 01:18 PM   #9
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Hope your baby is feeling better. I think the reason why Pet ER's are so expensive. Just like the Hospital ER's are expensive for us. If I go to the Hospital ER instead of going to my private physician even though I have Blue Cross I have a $75 co pay. If I go to my Private Physician I have a $10 co pay. But if I'm really sick and can't until the morning I'll pay the $75. The Pet ER's are in my area are open 24/7 , The Staff are all highly Trained (so highly trained I even asked one time if they could be my regular Vet) They charge $90 to $120 just to check in and be seen. But No appointment needed and no waiting. Then they tell you after they treat your pet you should follow up with your Reg Vet, just like our Doctors tell us to follow up with our Private Physician. For my peace of mind I feel it's worth going to the Pet ER it if I can't wait. I don't have Pet Insurance but I do have Care Credit for my girls. I also use The Care Credit at the Dental office for me.
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