Do you take your yorkie everywhere you go,,, I took Gus everywhere I went. Hell he would go nuts looking for his carrier when he would hear the keys or hear the words "lets go" He was so attached that he didn't care where we went as long as he was with me. So now that I have Leiloni I plan on doing the same as long as she's ok with it and is not scared or stressed out. We limit the places we go till she's had all her shots. Yesterday my husband and I went to the drive in to see This is the end and took her with. We stopped at the store to get some goodies. When checking out the cashier who knows us asked to take a quick peek at Leiloni's outfit. That's when a rude lady said "oh no your one of those people who dresses their dog forces them to stay in purse while you parade around showing off"
I'm not one to fly off the handle but this lady pushed all the right bottoms to make me snap! I turned to this person said (I will try to censor my words and not repeat what was actually said) "&$@#% you don't know me! I didn't tell you anything about your snot nose brat when he was throwing a fit and screaming his head off for what ever reason. My dog is perfectly happy and is quite comfortable. She's not barking or causing a scene unlike you and your brat! And as for showing off, you would have never known she was even there if someone who knows me wanted to see my baby"
I don't mean to offend anyone. This is the very reason I love yorkies. I hate to defend myself against rude people. I'm not hurting anyone. I'm very happy and so is my Leiloni! It was one big snuggle fest at the drive in. Leiloni stood sleep all warm and comfy on my chest.
Needed to vent! Lets just hope we never run into this person ever again!
__________________ Monica, Proud mom of Gus who is forever missed! And new mom to Leiloni Gus's Dogster page |