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Old 06-19-2013, 05:38 PM   #1
and molliluv too!
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Default Bug Spray & Licky dogs

So with summer around here come the bugs and of course for some reason I seem to be a magnet! I have to wear bug spray to work (I work outside a lot) and I have to even wear it in the house or I will get bit by things that come in. I got some deet-free spray but it has a bit of a smell to it so I was trying to use that one mostly at work. The other one is by Off! I worry though because my puppies are constantly licking me. Of course I don't want them to lick immediately after I spray down but I have to use it every 5 hours or so- so when is it safe for my puppies to lick me or should I try and keep them from licking me at all??
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