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Old 06-17-2013, 08:46 AM   #6
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: port elizabeth,eastern cape, south africa
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Originally Posted by ChibiLuv View Post
My job is to help figure out if they are ready for a dog and if so what kind. First I must warn you- DO NOT get another dog for your dog.
This is mistake #1 people do all the time and end up having to return the dog. You should get another dog for you and your family, because you are ready and feel able to care for another dog. Your dog loves being with you and I assure you is perfectly happy.
Another point is to wait until your current dog is trained and housebroken, it is harder to train two dogs, especially if one is a puppy and making lots of mistakes it may cause your current dog to get more confused about where to go potty.
Third, I would not get a big dog if you don't have the space or energy for one. Big dogs need lots of exercise and room to run around. You could maybe get a medium sized dog as a compromise but really think about the time and extra walks they will need. You can always get more dogs in the future, don't rush it. When the time is right it will be best for the dogs and the people.
brilliant post
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