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Old 06-06-2013, 04:29 PM   #23
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 31
Love Thank you all!!

Thank you all for the love and well wishes, Petey was being quite the little prankster this morn, getting a hold of a paper towel cardboard roll and was running around the house with it wanting me to chase him! so cute!
I received a call also this morning from my former neighbor, she has a beautiful Golden Lab that also was friendly towards this G.S, she just happened to be down at the lake one evening and the owner and his dog were there also, the Lab got too close to the owner of the GS and next thing they knew the GS had the lab pined on the ground and her ear got punctured! (and the guy told me it was their fault....not his!!). She is going to report the owner and his dog to the SPCA. He'll just end up moving to some other place in town! But we''' be watching him and his dog!!I hope you like it....I know we are suppose to put these in a separate forum page but....excuse the messy bed!

Last edited by buggz; 06-06-2013 at 04:32 PM. Reason: apologizing for mess
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