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Old 05-10-2013, 06:36 AM   #1
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Confused Does anyone speak POO? Need an Interpreter!

I don't even know where to start, so I'm going to just jump right in ...

Isabella Bleu is pooing in the bed, OUR bed! This is a NEW behavior for Bella and new territory for me, and it started last week. Eva and Bella have slept in the bed with us since day one and are great bed buddies, but Bella has been acting strange lately. I thought she might be cutting her molars (Bella is 6 months old), but now I'm not so sure that's the problem.

I woke up several nights ago to take the puppy, Doc, to the piddle pad ... Doc doesn't sleep with us, he sleeps in a day kennel beside our bed and he will NOT poo or pee in it. He will whine if he has to go during the night and I get up and take him to the pad, and Bella will usually want to go too. I always wait with them until they finish and then take them back to bed. On this particular night I put Doc back in his Kennel and put Bella in our bed and then I snuggled in for a few more hours slept. NOT! All of a sudden this horrid scent filled my head and I sat up gagging! Bella had poo'd on my comforter right by EVA and we both were scrambling to escape the smell. Eva jumped in my arms and we both hit the floor!

I don't know why she waited until we got back in the bed to poo, but it was nasty. I am a free feeder, but I took up the food and water right before bed time to see if that was the problem, but it wasn't. She wet the comforter again the next night. She started this ritual of getting in her usual place in the bed and then just when I was almost asleep, she would jump up and start digging and then walking all over the end of the bed and looking at Doc in his kennel. I had to continue to call her back to me until she finally settled in and went to sleep.

The final "straw" was two nights ago when the hubs rolled over in the bed at 4:00am and felt something cold and squishy stuck to his back ... he jumped up and it fell off his back and hit the floor, it was POO! He ran to the shower and none of us got anymore sleep after that. Needless to say poor Bella was banned from the bed until the situation is resolved.

I purchased three Iris Pet Pens with the top covers for my three Yorkies. Each one has their own bed, toys, water and food bowls and they are all side by side next to three picture windows where they can look outside at the wildlife and acreage. They have a great space to play, adjacent to our bedroom, where the play pens are and a gate at the door keeps them safe when I can't watch them. That's where Bella has been the past two nights and she's had free range of the place, so what does she do? Yep! She poos in the Iris Play Pen that has her bed in it!

I have NO idea what is wrong with Bella. I know this Poo thing is her way of telling me something, but what? She is spoiled, loved, groomed & pampered, she eats well and she plays well with Eva and Doc, AND she seems to love them. She's so sweet, not defiant or headstrong and she obeys every command I give her, which isn't many, just "no bark", "sit", "down", "stay" and "come".

I love her to pieces, she's my little Prima Donna, and I'm hoping that someone speaks Yorkiness and can interpret this Poo thing for me, I miss my little bedtime cuddle bug.
Owned by; Eva Noel Isabella Bleu DR "Doc" LOVE

Last edited by EvaNoel; 05-10-2013 at 06:37 AM.
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