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Old 05-04-2013, 11:47 AM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
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Location: Killeen, Texas
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Default How to tell if the yorkie I adopted is pregnant

I recently adopted (more like rescued) a three year old female yorkie. The woman I got her from said that she thought she was in heat and kept her in a little fenced off area in a yard overrun by other dogs. While the woman was inside, bringing even more dogs out, I observed a little male yorkie scale the fence and started to "dance" with her. The woman came back and took the male out before they had a chance to do anything but it made me wonder how many times had this happened without her knowledge. I have researched the early signs of yorkie pregnancy and they all say pretty much the same thing. The hard part is, I don't know what normal behavior is for her, plus any change in behavior as well as eating habits could be contributed to her adjusting to her new home. She does sleep a lot and wants to be with me all the time. She literally follows me around the house where ever I go, she's not far behind. Any information would be extremely helpful.
Kathleen and Piper
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