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Old 04-30-2013, 08:05 AM   #3
YT 500 Club Member
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here is how a trainer explained it to me. The world, once they realize more of the surroundings is huge to them . Think of you standing in the middle of giants stadium. Where to go what to do? Whats that sound. As they get older they are more aware...
She said take small strides. So take the pup to the front hallway near the door and let her sit. Then bring her in. Then go to the driveway, let her sit..then the street, and so on. It may take a many times but it works. I had to do that with Jess IN the house in different rooms then started on the outside. Our house has alot of rooms and is overwhelming to a pup..she couldnt even fathom the outside. now she runs around the house and outside..
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