Thread: My Squirrel
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Old 04-30-2013, 06:26 AM   #1
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Default My Squirrel

Some of you may remember the picture of our squirrel on the picnic table. I told you all she had a little baby well just recently he has been sticking his head out of the hole in the tree and yesterday he had his whole little body out just hanging on to the tree. This morning I came home from taking two of my Grand daughters to school and I went to let the dogs out and the little guy was laying at the bottom of the tree. He must have fell and broke his back cause my Grand daughter picked him up so the dogs would not get him and she said his spine felt very bad. I cried like a little baby and I am still so sad, my husband, the Grand daughters and I have been watching this little guy grow, we actually named him Little Dude cause he was so small, we would sit in the yard and watch him poke his little head out and he would look right at us. I am so sad over this and I guess it is stupid because this is just wildlife, not a pet or anything. We burried him in a tin , wrapped him up and made him a little cross. I guess I really am crazy. Now the Momma is looking at us like we took her baby and I just dont know what to do. Any advice anyone has would surely help.
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