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Old 04-05-2013, 05:44 AM   #1
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Default Help! My baby is very ill, running out of time, thoughts, and options!

I am a mother to a 2 yr/6 mo, 4lb 2oz male yorkie named Dozer. Though he has only been in my life since October when I rescued him, he IS my ENTIRE life, and I am just beside myself with worry because the last week has been horrifying. Where do I begin.

When I adopted Doz, he was a happy, healthy- though somewhat timid, little guy. My first vet (I say first, because after countless trips to this vet with no diagnosis to what was going on, I was forced to seek an alternate opinion) gave him a completely clean bill of health, and sent us on our way. Doz had a minor reaction to a flea bite (somewhat expected, and had a steroid shot in November), and then an allergic reaction to Vectra Flea and Tick (another steroid shot, and on our way.) Then, once a month, about every three weeks, he began getting diarrhea, since mid-November. We would return to the vet, they would change his food, and put him on four days of Metronidazole, and send him home.

This month was different. Tuesday started another round of explosive diarrhea, and not only was I sick of seeing my baby sick once a month, with no proven answer, but when I called this first vet, they told me they wouldnt see him until the next day. I switched vets, and the new vet brought him right in. Immediately, she believed me that something huge is going on with my baby, though was unsure what it was. She drew blood, and sent me home with two different stomach anti-acids for Dozer, to await the blood results.

Tuesday Evening- Dozer throws up blood, and has raspberry-jam like collitus. Back to the vet we go. She does an xray, gives him fluids, and finds that his blood results are normal, and his xray results show inflammation throughout his intestinal track. Sends us home with three weeks worth of metronidazole 30mg 2x day, plus the 2 antiacids, and a special diet food change (Iams intestinal Dry food only).

Last night- Dozer was restless, then slept from 2 am until about 7, to which I had to wake him and he COILD NOT STAND UP. No motor ability in his hind end, what-so-ever. I am so scared. We rushed back to the vet, she has no clue what is wrong. She said maybe Addisons disease, maybe electrolytes. I am so worried. I am sitting back at home, shaking, crying, upset, needing answers, support, encouraging words, anything! Please, has anybody else gone through this? I must also mention, he is now down to 3 pounds, 3 oz.
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