I know I really whined about the trainer last night but she really did help guide me with Bentley's biting problems. Put her instruction into action as soon as we got home last night.
I wake up this morning, Bentley is laying right up against my side.

First shock. For whatever reason he loves to sleep down alongside my feet. I start to scratch his back and speak softly to him to wake him up and he hops right up on my shoulder. (Prepares for the usual nipping and ready to fight it off.) Much to my surprise he just covers my face with kisses.

Just went to town, I'm laughing and say that's enough. Final shock. He practically body slams across my throat(who knew that 4 lbs of fur ball could practically cut the air off lol)and lets out a big sigh and lays completely still across my throat.
He's such a silly boy.