Thread: Shampoo
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Old 03-01-2013, 09:01 PM   #8
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I must have tried over 10 different brands of shampoos and conditioners and finally narrowed down to three. I rotate between them like I do my own shampoo so his coat does not get tired of the same kind and they become ineffective. Here are the ones I ended up with. I also wash my baby once a week and he stays fresh and smells good the entire time, no dry skin either. My Mocha has silky coat that requires lots of conditioning.

Isle of Dogs: Evening Primrose Shampoo and Heavy Management Conditioner

Pet Silk: Rainforest Shampoo and Conditioner

Cloud Star Buddy Wash: Lavender and Mint Shampoo + Conditioner 2in1, then separate Conditioner on top of that since the 2in1 is not enough conditioning.

You can buy the Buddy Wash at Petco but the other two are only available online.

Good luck!
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