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Old 02-21-2013, 04:32 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by kjc View Post
Good info: Pet Owner's Crash Course in Canine Cushing's Disease

Okay.... interestingly enough, Ketaconazole is used to treat Cushings in some cases.... same class of drug as fluconozole... which suppress hormone production (a side effect).

I can't find the why's or wherefore's, maybe a gut feeling, but reducing the ALKP seems to be a priority and it seems the Fluconozole may have been responsible for doing that.
Good info you dug up. Thanks! Typically the azole drugs are really rough on the liver so it would be weird if it was actually helping his liver.

I just emailed a vet I'm familiar with from the Valley Fever Center in Tucson to get her thoughts.

I'm also considering taking Scooby to a holistic-Chinese herbs-vet that I have a line on. Any thoughts on that? At least she said she would do the darn Cushings test through her office.

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