Maxwell Gumdrop This is the second time I try to post here.
We got our Max in December the day he turned 6 weeks. He is now 13 weeks and I still have soo many questions about this little bugger.
Does anyone have an idea when his coat will change. The other day while brushing him (which is done daily) He starting losing matts of fur. Is this normal for the puppy coat to fall out or am I just doing something wrong. I am sort of hoping he stays all cottony and soft so I won't be dissapointed if he never gets the correct coat.
Also is his fur supposed to turn gray? he is starting to look like a little old man with a bald spot... lol
His fur also seems very long. Do I need to get him groomed or can it wait a while longer. I hate to cut his cute puppy fur if I don't have to.
Thanks in advance for your opinions. |