Hmmm...sounds like you may need to cover the entire area so there is no longer any edge anywhere. The pads I get are white on white, but there is an edge...but I kind of doubt it's the blue color. You def do want to get her into the middle of the pad more...and away from the feeding station for her business.
We did the complete overlap thing when we had a kitty get a urinary blockage and they cath'd him, then gave him 2xdaily subq fluids and he 'leaked' clear liquid like a sieve until his urethra healed. We got the Publix puppy pads...the ones we still get, and overlapped them over the entire area he could 'drag' himself to...he couldn't walk at first after almost dying from the blockage...happened very suddenly, by the way, and we rushed him to the ER Vet. We like these pads...they make great wet feet soppers, too. Anyway, we used the pads, even wrapped him in them like a receiving blanket on a newborn, trying to keep his fur dry until he healed, and used the maxi-overnight fem protect pads under the puppy pads in the crate when we took him back and forth to the vet until the vet decided we should skip the 2xdaily transport routine and subq him at home every other day or so. |