Thread: Any advice
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Old 02-05-2013, 01:29 PM   #2
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I don't understand exactly what you are asking. Are the puppies eating solid food on their own now? I start the weaning process when the pups are around 4 weeks old. I put down some ground up dry food for the pups. As the pups start eating more of the dry food they will nurse less and the mom will start weaning them by not letting them nurse as often. All females are different. I have had some moms that would not nurse the pups much past 6 weeks but most of my moms will let the pups nurse some until the pups are 8 to 10 weeks old. The tinier pups need to be able to nurse longer and they take longer to wean.

Have you been cutting the toenails on the pups? If the pups have sharp toenails the mom will be reluctant to let them nurse.

If the pups are eating well on their own then it is not a problem if mom is not letting them nurse as much, as long as the pups are eating dog food and seem content. Make sure the mom does not get mastitis from having an excessive amount of milk.
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