Thread: Sneezing
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Old 01-31-2013, 06:41 AM   #2
♥ Maximo and Teddy
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Poor Rosie! Was it the Bordetella vaccine? I thought the nasal one had been discontinued. Max had it once when he was a puppy and never again.

Sneezing can be caused by allergies and a number of other things. How often does she sneeze? Have you used any new hair products on her? Anything new in your home, like air fresheners?

As for the Bordetella vaccine, I would read the YT library on vaccinations and consider skipping that one in the future. I decided not to give it to my boys because they do not have a lot of interaction with other dogs, and the vaccine doesn't protect against all strains of kennel cough.
Kristin, Max and Teddy

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