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Old 01-30-2013, 10:31 AM   #1
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Ip Plants: Want to Zen

Green thumb'rs: In N. TX, we've been intermittently teased by warm days. So....I've developed super early SPRING FEVER (poor mum in upstate NY just finished shoveling 6" new snow yesterday ). I want to add some super large plants that aren't too picky (my yorkie Liberty is the only royalty for this house). I remember that my all-time favorite for size and easy care, the split leaf philodendron, is poisonous to pets. So, guess that's out. Liberty never bothers any of small plants that we have now but we should play it safe; dropped leaves may be the only temptation for him. Good behavior has earned him free reign of the home when we are gone so is not supervised 24/7. The ponytail palm is fairly safe - but grows too slowly- very large plants can run $$$. Any suggestions on how to safely create a large jungle look for some patio doors?
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