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Old 01-18-2013, 07:53 PM   #5
Yorkie Yakker
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Location: Largo, FL
Posts: 26

Originally Posted by FifisMom View Post
I began cooking for my dogs after reading a book by a holistic vet. I was horrified by what some commercial dog foods contain and immediately threw out the food and began cooking. I follow his recipe for what I call a chicken stew.

I cook barley and boil whole chickens. I then pick the carcass clean, cook mixed frozen vegetables as well. I then take the chicken and vegetables and grind them in a food processor and mix it all together. I cook once a month, and bag only what I'll use in a few days, everything else gets frozen.

When feeding them I add Missing Link for their trace minerals, fish oil tablets (my dogs tolerate 1000mg with no ill effects). For their calcium needs I give them raw femur bones from the butcher, they lick the marrow then I let them gnaw on the bones briefly. Need to watch out for bacterial contamination. I also give them sardines packed in oil, they can digest the bones with no problem and I will give them fat free cottage cheese and fat free plain yogurt.

My vet has no problem with their diet as long as they remain healthy, and they have for 4 years.

I hope this helps.

Thank you, yes, I appreciate all suggestions. With all the problems I've had with them I'm just so nervous doing anything wrong.

I cooked 2 large turkey thighs yesterday, minus the skin, until they fell off the bone. I cooked 1 sweet potato, 1 zucchini and a little tomato and mashed it all together. I am slowly changing them over from their other food and they love it so far. I have purchased Nupro supplement (the silver because it has glucosamine) and am going to get some sort of fish oil too. I will probably give them some cottage cheese a couple of times a week as well as an egg with the egg shells ground up for calcium. I have been really researching and want to start out slowly, with only a few ingredients so that if they are allergic I will know what to. I've read where it is key to switch up the protein often and add fish no more than once a week.

Thanks again!!
Mom to Bella & Gracie & Sophie & Mattie
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