Royal Canin:::How much to feed How much should I feed my Yorkshire Terrier~? According to the package of Royal Canin, it says:
8lb: lean/1 cup normal/1 cup overweight/3/4 cup
10lbs: lean/1-1/4 cup normal/1 cup overweight/1 cup
My Yorkshire Terrier is between 8-10 lbs, like 8.5-9.?
And recently I switched him from Natural Balance, which say to feed:
10lbs or less:1/2-1 cup
I just called the Vet (which is on call 24/7, but is Emergencies now) and Vet Tech (or whatever she is) didn't know and I should call back in the am. I'm just wanting opinions cause the Royal Canin bag is small compared to the Natural Balance and it is going down quickly. I give him a small scooper which is perhaps 1/4-1/3, but he seem hungry and I gave him an extra scoop for dinner.
So what's your opinion~? Any of you all feed Royal Canin~? How much~? I'll call tomorrow but just curious since both packages have different info. Also, my dog isn't the type to eat much normally and difficult to get him to eat most of the time. |