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Old 12-03-2012, 07:34 PM   #5
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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So sorry to hear about Rosy. We are currently going through the same thing here. Our little Annie also had Legg Perthes Disease. She had her surgery last Thursday. It has been quite the road for us. She is starting to look better today. I uploaded a video today on YouTube of her progress on this 4th day. She is doing much better today. We do have our little hicups but so far, nock on wood it is going as well as can be expected. Here is the video I took today.

Here is a copy of the video if you would like to take a peek.

Valentines Day 2013 Sweethearts
Alfie Millar & Anniemay Bella & Yogi Dakota & Allie
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