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Old 10-26-2012, 05:18 PM   #1
♥Momma's Bambino♥
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Cry Peanut has a mass...

Well we just got home from the vet.. I am at a loss..

You might have seen this thread:

I for sure thought that is what he has, everything that I have Googled lead me to believe this.

My Vet is telling me something different. He said the "floating rib cage" is more to the side...

He said he wants to go in and remove this and send it in to test it..

I don't know what to do, I guess I am scared and don't want to believe it is a mass and or tumor. If you look at the diagram the last rib isnt connected and kinda sticks up.. well if I lay Peanut down it pokes up right where that rib would be...?? I don't know

I swear I have felt this before and I have brought it up to the vet and he said it was normal... My vet wasnt in today it was the fill in which I have seen him before-

I almost want to get a 2nd opinion... but I would think my Vet knows what he is talking about right...???

Ughh I dont know today was a stressful day and then this topped it off!!

Here are some pictures- what do you all think?
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