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Old 10-09-2012, 07:42 PM   #13
Brenda's Brat Bunch
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Sapphire " Finny..Don't let mom know the Schwan man is here!
Finn" Okay.. you go an play dead and I will go and order the treats!

Sapphire "Finn.. did you see what just went by?"
Finn "No, what.. I was distracted by watching the Poodle next door"
Sapphire " well darnit Finn...You are always looking at that girl and Not at me!
Finn " I'm sorry.. but she is the one that has all the treats!

Sapphire " Finn.. If I was ugly.. would you still Love me?"
Finn " Sapphy.. I will love you if you were ugly than a dead tree stump. or if you had warts all over you or if you were fat.. or if you were bald.. or if you were skinny..
Sapphire " so.. you think I'm fat?
" IF you tell the truth,you don't have to remember anything."
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