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Old 09-25-2012, 02:36 PM   #5
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Location: Gautier, MS USA
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I posted but didn't address her ad. I didn't address anyone. Just a post about things I learned here and wishing everyone well in there search for their new baby. I have seen scathing replies to people and I would never do that. But I know that saying when people post a wanted they may fall for the first one. This vet replied to me. I didn't mind at all and told her if she saw something I said that was incorrect she should post it because knowledge is power. It was quite strange. Of all the things I said she only took issue with nursing til 12 weeks which I never said. But I did say I don't know everything but just wanted to share what I did know.
As I thought, she is a breeder and I stepped on her toes. But on the upside I got the sweetest reply about a lady that got a badly bred one then later got more and bred. She got a call to come see puppies and in walks the breeder!!! She asked the lady where on earth did you get that ugly thing from, she replied 'YOU, GET OUT YOU CANNOT BUY ONE OF MY PUPPIES'. Lol.
Mom to Shanti, Choppa & Maxximus.
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