How old is Dodger? Grooming at least once a day is a must, if they need it or not. That is because it becomes a training session and they learn to expect and accept it. When Gracie was a crazy puppy she didn't like grooming either. She would try to mouth me and bite at the comb. I always use a metal grooming comb. They come in a variety of sizes. For a puppy, just do at least 2 or 3 comb throughs a day. As long as the hair remains mat free it should only take a minute to do.
As they get older and the fur starts to get longer the grooming time will slowly increase. Always give a healthy reward when finished grooming. Gracie used to run away from me after I combed her until I started giving her a treat when we were done. Now, she just kind of hangs around until she gets her reward!
I generally comb her on my lap. I use the Yorkie Splash and Shine products. I wash her twice and then condition. There are other natural products out there that are good as well. Gracie has a silky coat so the YSS products work well on her. A cotton coat may need a stronger conditioner. I also use the spray conditioner on her ends when combing between baths. She has long hair so the ends can tangle at times. Especially if she has been out in the morning wet grass. Just stay away from the regular shampoos that use sulfates and conditioners that use silicone. You will get a much better result with an all natural product. My groomer uses WEN on her and she looks and smells fantastic afterward. I have not chosen to switch to it yet but I have considered it. |