Thread: Washing face
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Old 09-09-2012, 03:23 PM   #2
♥ Love My Tibbe! ♥
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Unless I'm bathing Tibbe, I just use a washcloth to soap the hair on his face, rinse it out thoroughly and then use it to wipe off the suds, rinse the cloth and wipe again, rinse the cloth, wipe again, rinse/wipe until convinced all the soap is off his hair.

When I am bathing him, I just used my cupped hand to rinse his head and face so I can direct the water mostly away from his eyes. Takes a while to do it this way but in the long run, he's calm and cool as I'm doing it as he knows he's not getting a glassful of water dumped over his head at once, as sometimes when that happened, he would inhale water in his nostrils. Once I went to the hand-rinse method, he knows it's just an easy process of handful at a time rinsing the soap from his head/face and he never gets shocked by this or inhales water out of surprise, so he's very relaxed.
Jeanie and Tibbe
One must do the best one can. You may get some marks for a very imperfect answer: you will certainly get none for leaving the question alone. C. S. Lewis
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