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Old 01-27-2006, 06:19 AM   #11
KimMee's Mom
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Originally Posted by magnolia
And I've been with her a couple times. I'm not real sure I understand exactly how it works but here's my best shot (those who do this more than I can explain better). There is a website that you can go to to sign up. You basically need a GPS to track coordinates. People will hide things, sometimes it's just a note, could be a small item. You find the info on the website, then using your GPS, you track the coordinates to find what has been hidden. You then go back to the website and post that you found it. There are clues that also help guide you. It's like a treasure hunt! It was pretty fun when I did it with my cousin but I just don't have the time to get into it like her and her husband have. Of course, my explanation could be WAY off base so please, those who do this regularly, please correct or add what I've missed!!

Well I googled it and your describtion sounds correct
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