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Old 08-07-2012, 11:51 AM   #8
Action Jackson ♥
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I love Fromm, but unfortunately, Jackson's stomach does not. Well, nothing drastic or anything, but every time we've tried Fromm - he gets a bit of gas, softer poo, and itchy. We've tried it on 3 separate occasions and always with the same results. Though I have yet to try the new grain-free varieties, so maybe he'd react different to those.

I know the kibble size is super teeny tiny, like the size of ferret or cat kibble, LOL. And Jax likes larger kibble. He always looked at it funny, or would spit pieces out.

But great company, great food, great brand, customer service, etc.
~ Brit & Lights! Camera! Jackson! CGC ETD TKP ~
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