Well I think it is good that you took him, that could have been bad- Who knows what that guy would have done with the LIL Guy. Does he have a name? SD is better than Puppy Chow so that is good at least he is on SD, however I am not too sure but I think he needs more nutrients other than puppy food. I know at 8 weeks he still would be getting milk from the Mom, so hopefully someone comes on and talks to you about that bc I don’t really have a clue. ( You can always buy food online and have it delivered to your house)
At 8 weeks he probably isn’t going to be alone in a cold crate, he will probably do best with you in your bed- I am going to assume this, I have never had a puppy at that age, but I had a kitten- That baby kitten did best next to me in bed… Hopefully you will get better advise on this as well bc I am not too sure! He is also not going to be potty trained, he is so young, maybe try making him go on a potty pad?? That might be easier than taking him outside, also he is so young I wouldn’t take him ANYWHERE nor out in your back yard till he has ALL HIS SHOTS!
I would not let him chew anything other than dogs toy, safe dog toys-
1. How much should I feed a almost 9 weeks old that weighs 1lb and 1.5 oz? Was I feeding him the right amount? Not sure but I would have nautical on hand.
2. How do I get him into he's little crate for bed? He probably isn’t going to want to sleep alone bc he is so young, he might do better in your bed..?
3. Where should I take him to pee/poop? (Front yard/Back Yard/Back Yard Pourch?) I would not take him outside, he should be going on newspaper or potty pads
4. Is the crate all day thing a bad thing? I do let him out and play after he potties outside. The crate all day is a bad thing, at least you should get him an xpen so he as room to play, along with food and water, toys.
5. Puppy cries in crate, can I make him stop cuz it makes me wanna cry too? Puppies cry, he is young this is going to hard to stop… He should still be with him Mom, so you are going to have to give him 24/7 attention.
6. How do I get hair out of his' ear cuz he is scatching it like crazy. Take him to the vet and have the vet look in his ear.
7. Is the bump on my puppy belly bad and is the brown dots bad too? Take him to the vet and have the vet check it out
How old are you? You sound really young to be taking care of a 8 week old puppy, He is going to need a lot of work and attention to make sure nothing goes wrong. I understand where you are coming from but without the help of your parents this is going to be really hard for you- What do you parents think of this?
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