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Old 06-05-2012, 09:15 AM   #9
Roxi Ree
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Location: Wichita, KS, USA
Posts: 99

Roxi is 1.5 years old now and weighs 2.14 lbs. Her vet and I decided to wait on her spay in the hopes that she also would reach 3 lbs (and we prayed that she wouldn't go into heat before that time.) At 9 mos it became apparent that she wasn't going to hit the 3 lb mark, so we went ahead an schedule her spay. I had preop bloodwork done and found out that she had some liver issues.

I went to a specialty surgeon who did an ovariectomy on her plus a liver biopsy (she was diagnosed with MVD). At the same time she also had some baby teeth pulled by the specialty dentist.

She did really good through all this. Never cried in pain and honestly, she acted as though nothing had happened afterwards. I have such a good litle girl

Good luck with your baby.
Sandy~~Mother of Roxi Ree Snuggles Sue RIP Rusty Roger RIP Missy Marie
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