Originally Posted by AlyHope Ive had my german shepherd since she was 8 weeks old. In june she'll be a year and a half.
Apache is my baby. She loves people and other animals but Apache and I have a special bond nothing could ever replace. I have never in my life see her get agressive or mean.
Shes my 7 month old yorkies best friend and she also gets along great with my two cats and even our pet rat. Shes a gentle giant and I trusted her. She has been playing with my neighbors baby since she learned to walk. ( this baby hugs her, hits her, pulls on her ears, eye lids, and apache does nothing. )
Last night I was at the park with the usual crew, when a guy came in that I hadnt seen before. He had a small 15 pound puggle. Something about this dog didnt agree with apache. Apache ran across the field to tackle and attack this small dog. I Pulled her off as quickly as I could and then yelled at her. I put her on the ground with my hand and made her submit to me. I made her lay like that for 5 minutes in a time out and then let her go again (keeping a closer eye this time). She went right back over to the dog and started to attack again. I grabbed her by her collar, and then it happened.
She turned around and bit me. Not lightly either.
Besides the fact that she had just dug her k9s an inch into my hand, and now I was bleeding everywhere, my main concern was the smaller dog. I grabbed her with my good hand and left the park.
So now, Im in shock.
How can a dog that is so sweet and gentle with my three pound yorkie, babies , and cats, turn into something so aggressive?
It just hurts. I love that dog so much, put so much effort, time, money, & love into her and she turns around and bites me?
What did I do wrong? Has anyone else had an experience like this? I dont know what to think  |
Yes I have had this happen, it was heartwrenching and horrble beyond words. I spoke about this in another thread here, somewhere. I can't go over it again, but I will say this. That is still your baby but you no longer can trust her with others (people or fur) and you must secure her when they are in your home. I would not leave her alone with your Yorkies. Others may disagree but as someone who has been there....I'm sorry the risk is not worth it. I had to rehome my dog because I couldn't trust him around my children or dogs again. To this day, I do socialize my dogs and they are fine, but when small children are around, they go away.
When my Gus did this we had a close single friend rehome him, took him for a refresher course in training and then a few years later it happened again. Anyways, this is just my experience and opinion, you may want to seek the advice of a professional.
Good Luck and I really am sorry you went through this, I hope its an isolated incident. I truly feel your pain.