OMG that sounds like a nightmare, so sorry
Very similar to my flea-killing escapades. Frontline stopped working for my kiddos, so we got them pretty badly.
I used to use Revolution on my first Yorkie and we never had ONE bug of any kind! Changed vets with the new girls and he talked me out of Revolution and I so regret it because two years in a row now we have gotten infested with fleas
My baby never had a reaction to it, but of course all dogs are different. If you're going to use it, then just make sure that you can stay with the pups for a few hours to watch for any reactions. Talk to your vet about it. I am thinking that when what I've got is gone (Heartgard and K9 Advantix II) that I will start using Revolution again.
Gosh, good luck with all this stuff, I really feel badly for you!!!