Thread: Bird Mites
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Old 05-18-2012, 05:59 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Jacksmom052709 View Post
This was posted on the how to kill ants without killing the lawn post - I don't know if it will work on bird mites, but it's worth a shot! Specially since it is green and won't harm humans or pets... check it out.

DIY Organic Pest Control Green Bug Spray Get Rid of Fleas Ticks Mites Naturally
Thank you Jacksmom for your recommendation. I had looked into this product during my sleepless nights on the web searching for bug products . This one works on contact, non residual. I tried contacting the company to ask a few questions, specially having small dogs in the house, and more than an answer I got what could be an "infomercial", which made me as to buy from them.
So far we've seen less and less.I removed the nest spraying constantly with Lysol ( which in every site say kills on contact too) it is amazing how they make thier nest, I thought it would be just a bunch of leafs and straws, but they were all twined , mother nature! Long story short, the only thing I had (left) at home was Sevin, good for mites but meant to be used outside, and diluted it and with a sprayer, sprayed the eves as far as my arm could go, removed the screen covering the ventilation holes and clean outside walls and sprayed them too. Cut all the branches close to the house. Yesterday DH replaced the screen...guess less than 24hrs, the birds were starting to make a new nest .
The inside of the house looks like a mad house, trash bags everywhere, I got the clothes from the closets, washed them, got them in trsh bags. Wearing things only once and having different color trash bags for those,washing the sheets and comforters every other day and vacuuming twice a day, uf!
Bathing my poor babies evry other day as well and added a few drops of Rosemary oil to their shampoo, to act as a repellent ...Im exhausted.At this point I think IM going to buy stocks on Lysol company, I've used 4 cans since all this started, spraying on walls, base boards, on the beds. Since everything I've done it is not a professional job and not using a strong product, I know in a few days the eggs will be hatching, so I need to keep vacuuming, and spraying and keep the same "ritual"until hopefully they are completly gone.
As fas as the dogs, I want to start using Revolution, it says it is good for mites in general, because so far the FrontLine Plus does not work on that.My babies are 9 lbs and 5.5 lbs, do any of you have used it with good results?
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to Max and Sophie Mei
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