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Old 05-16-2012, 05:54 AM   #1
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Chesterfield, VA
Posts: 18
Lightbulb The GoPotty - Merit, feedback, & interest-gauging please!

Hi all,

I've got a 12lb Yorkie named Newton who is about 8 months old and ever since I purchased him, I've been a member to this forum and have used many tidbits of advice via the search option.

For multiple reasons I've had to train him on the Potty Patch which he religiously and expertly uses multiple times a day for his #1s and his #2s! I found the potty patch to be easy to use, effective for training, and [partially] simple (but not easy) to clean. The biggest disadvantages are that it is too small a surface, too low to the ground, the grass gets impregnated with the pee smell, and not easy to clean. Another huge disadvantage is that after Newton poops a couple of times on it, he poops elsewhere (for fear of stepping in his own poop) unless I pick up and dispose of his droppings.

Anyways, I'm a mechanical engineer by degree, and during a late night shift at a power plant I was working at, I dreamed up an invention that would take the "potty patch" and other more expensive derivatives to the next level.

The GoPotty

As you can see in the attachment to this post, I've already sketched out and determined multiple design criteria as well as pursued a patent. Here are a bit more details the drawing does not detail:

1) self cleaning and drying (because of this the grass should not get impregnated with pee as badly)
2) self-cleaning the poop will allow the dog to continuously use the GoPotty.
3) 5 week+ poop reservoir which would hold air freshener of your choice
4) safe operation, would plug into any 120vac wall outlet.
5) a urine collection pan which would need emptied every 2-3 weeks
6) the product is pretty large and is basically an artificial, replenishing yard. It would weigh about 60LB and be a fiberglass construction.

What I am really looking for in terms of support are the answers to the following questions from any and everyone. Please keep in mind, this product would be more targeted to people who live in apartments, have 40lb (or less) sized dogs, and leave their pets home for long periods of time. Thank you for your participation, and mods, please let me know if this post is in the wrong place.

1) How much would you pay for this?
2) What are your concerns?
3) What suggestions might you have?
4) Do you feel personally that there is a huge potential for this product?
5) Do you think a treat-dispenser reward system would be a nice add-on?
6) Do you think a built in light for pets would be a nice add-on?
7) Do you have any additional interests (legal, marketing, investment, etc) in supporting my efforts?

Thank you!

Attached Thumbnails
The GoPotty - Merit, feedback, & interest-gauging please!-gopotty_r0.jpg  

Last edited by sepulchralx; 05-16-2012 at 05:55 AM.
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