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Old 01-22-2006, 09:36 AM   #5
I Love My Yorkies
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Originally Posted by christelnpeawee
I just had a question on chachis allergies. Peawee had to be rushed to the vet the other day. It was due to allergies and his eyes swelled up and he broke out all over and he was given a steroid shot. The vet said that she would never give him a shot again because its to hard on him and he would have to start taking meds. Did Chachi have breakout like this and what kind of med. is he on? Is it a daily pill? Any info you could give would be helpful. Thanks
Yes he has breakout little pimple things on him. He has chewed and scratched his entire back. He has no hair on his entire back. He was given a couple of shots when he was at the vets. Then two weeks after the shots he is to start taking Prednisone it is a steroid. He also has a creme medication for his eyes and meds for his ears because it is in there also. His is so bad we are at witts end because nothing seems to make any improvement. He goes back to the vet before he strts taking the pills so we will just have to see.
Chachi's & Jewels Mom
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