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Old 04-12-2005, 04:09 PM   #5
artie merlino
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Default Yorkie Trait?

I think that's a Yorkie trait, both my male Artie and female Abigail do that too! Especially when he is waking us up in the morning or when he is being
scolded, after I sneeze or cough. She ends up trying to bite/nip me when while she's licking. I have a couple of friends that have Yorkies and they train them to stop doing it by saying "No kisses" they don't allow them to lick their faces, so of course they try to do it to me because they see my baby's kissing me. I don't mind them doing it beacuse I brush their teeth and mouths with peanutbutter toothpaste, which is made for dogs to whiten teeth and freshen their breath.
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